Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Where Everybody Knows Your Name

i think it's important that we all stop for a moment to understand that the internet is a perfectly functioning digital utopia. in fact, it's quite possible that the bible and the qur'an and all the other scripts were really just describing the world wide web when they spoke of heaven and nirvana and groups of willing virgins. there are no enemies online-- hate does not exist. and your personal opinions are accepted with open minds and open hearts. bless the internet! every year that it continues to exist society witnesses a stronger bond, with more empathy for others and more clarity of what is true.

it's just a world wide web of Love and Affection.

and to think john allen predicted all of this way back in 1993! we should make him the president of the internet for all his wisdom.

via urlesque

i think someone might've had a few too many parental controls on their internet...

this is almost as good as dick rowe rejecting the beatles (1962) on account that "guitar music is on the way out."

i'm curious what it was john allen saw online back in 1993 that had him convinced the online community would find some strange form of peace and result in an ever-friendly digital world. i was still learning multiplication and cursive in 1993 (and still am now), so i have no knowledge of what the internet was like back then. but by 1997, i can promise you there was far too much racism, semen, and identity thefts for any of his theories to be near accurate.

shit, by the early 2000's, the acronym NSFW became so widely used that bigger websites were even trying to register it as a trademarked phrase. and searching "blue waffle" is definitely NSFW.

maybe his prediction just hasn't come true yet. he didn't give a date, after all. and some people are trying to make the internet a more peaceful world...

but, in the meantime, it's great that the internet-- mr. allen's dreamworld-- will now proceed to deface him with uncreative words on blogs, forums, and facebook walls.

i'm going to start right now by calling him a fucky fuck dum.

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