Monday, July 11, 2011

Art Students Looking for a Good Read?

I often share lists on this blog that I found at the Online College Courses website. Whoever is in charge of researching and assembling those reading lists deserves a freaking medal for their effort (and owes me financial recuperation for the inevitable purchases I make after reading each list ).

This time around I encourage you to feast your eyes upon The 50 Greatest Novels for Art Students. Certainly an impressive list, which I am ashamed to admit I've only read a little over a quarter of.

How many have you read? Do you agree with the selection? By and large most of the novels I could think of to mention are already on the list. Are there any other novels that you feel should have made the cut? Better yet, are there any you'd take an ax to?

PS: I owe all of you dear readers an update as to where I'm at in my life and, more importantly, in my work. Look for that post in the reasonably near future and throw a hissy fit if you think that I'm putting it off.

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