Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Guess Which Author Threatened to Decapitate Amazon Employees?

Still can't tell? This grizzly looking fellow is none other than George RR Martin, author of the Song of Ice and Fire series.

The jist of the story? The newest book in his series, A Dance with Dragons was scheduled for a July 12th release, but 180 copies were accidentally sent to Amazon Germany customers.

Martin had this to say about the error: "I am not happy about this. My publishers are furious. If we find out who is responsible, we will mount his head on a spike."

But cooler heads eventually prevailed and Martin admitted that he is thankful to be in a position where so many people are eagerly anticipating his newest book:

"Most of those 'lucky' 180 are keeping mum, to be sure, but there are always a few jerkwads in any group, and those are the ones who cannot keep their mouths shut."

Well Martin, here's one customer that you don't have to worry about shipping early to.

Check out the full article at Guardian U.K.

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