Friday, July 29, 2011

Family Tree Tattoos

In The Vile Village, Jacques immediately recognized the Baudelaires, and tried to tell them about their parents. He was a known member of V.F.D. and was on the fire fighting side. But unfortunately, Esmé Squalor, disguised as a police officer, Officer Luciana, stopped him from any further explanations. In Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography, it was revealed that Jacques is a good friend of Jerome Squalor and that Jerome follows his advice. It was because of Jacques that Jerome bought the penthouse apartment in 667 Dark Avenue, the purpose of this possibly to direct members of the secret organization V.F.D. to safe places before the schism. Jacques did not want Jerome Squalor to marry Esmé, and sent a letter warning Jerome, but the letter was intercepted, possibly by the Hook-Handed Man who was disguised as a doorman. It was also revealed that Jacques disguises himself as a detective and is possibly the man who investigated the murder of Dr. Orwell, though this article was not published in the Daily Punctilio. Jacques Snicket, along with his siblings, is a member of V.F.D.. A tattoo of an eye is on his ankle, and because of this, and his one eyebrow, he was mistaken for Count Olaf in The Vile Village. He has two younger siblings, Lemony Snicket and Kit Snicket. He was murdered in jail as he was about to be burned at the stake by Count Olaf (disguised as Detective Dupin), who intended to frame Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire. Little is said of the mother of Jacques, Kit, and Lemony Snicket, though she is a member of the fire-stopping side of V.F.D. She gave birth to Lemony Snicket while buying garlic butter at Valorous Farms Dairy with her husband, Jacob Snicket. Snicket says his mother was away from home when he and his siblings were abducted by V.F.D., and when she returned she found a photograph of him asleep in his cradle and asked her husband, "Who took this?" (A pun, since the question could refer either to the photograph or to the subject of the photograph.) At the time A Series of Unfortunate Events takes place, she is deceased, possibly killed by arsonists in a fire that destroyed the Snicket mansion, in a parallel to the fire which killed Bertrand and Beatrice Baudelaire. (See under Jacob Snicket above.) In response to the erroneous claim that Jacob was called "Jake", Snicket writes in The Unauthorized Autobiography: "He was known as Jacob to everyone but his longtime bridge partner." Nonetheless, Jacob's first initial is listed as "E." on the Snicket family tree. In The Hostile Hospital, Snicket likens the "mournful melody" of a pipe organ sonata played in the Cathedral of the Alleged Virgin to a soothing tune Jacob used to sing while dishwashing. Jacob and his wife are described as wealthy, living in a mansion and having enough means to buy silver cribs and silk diapers (though Snicket expressly states they would "never have indulged" in such spending). Jacob is described as having worried when Jacques, Kit, and Lemony were abducted by V.F.D. to be initiated as neophytes. Jacob Snicket is the father of Jacques, Kit, and Lemony Snicket and a member of the fire-stopping side of V.F.D. At the time A Series of Unfortunate Events takes place, he is deceased. In The Carnivorous Carnival, Olivia Caliban mentions that before seeking to steal the Baudelaire and Quagmire fortunes, Count Olaf sought to steal the Snicket fortune; and in The Hostile Hospital, reference is made to the "Snicket fires". Since both the Baudelaire and Quagmire parents were killed by arsonists in their respective mansions, Jacob and his wife may have died in a parallel fire to Snicket mansion. The Snicket family is a prominent family in the novel series A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket.

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